Our Products
Our products, developed by educators for educators, are designed to encourage strategic thinking and the creation of innovative learning experiences. Our method card decks are a vital strategic resource designed to assist teachers in formulating new educational strategies and programs. The cards and the associated games foster critical thinking through essential questions that enable educators to evaluate their current methods and imagine future opportunities, empowering them to revolutionize their educational approaches. Note: Illinois residents are required to pay Illinois State Sales Tax on all purchases.
AI Method Card Deck Package - This package includes a physical deck of 67 cards, access to 14 strategic games that use the cards, the AI Method Card Deck Strategic Games Playbook, the Player’s Logbook, the AI CoPilot and Guide, and access to our online library of resources about AI -$29.95 + $9.50 standard shipping. Illinois residents pay Illinois State Sales Tax.
The Design Thinking Classroom. The book explains how to use the design thinking process to reshape the daily teaching and learning experience of school. Available at Amazon.com - $22.13 Paperback, $9.97 Kindle Edition
AI Method Card Deck—Digital Download (pdf), This download includes a PDF containing the fronts of cards 1-67 and a separate PDF with the backs of cards 1-67. It also includes individual PDF files for each card, totaling 67 files. Each file contains the front and back of the respective card (e.g., card 1 front and back, card 2 front and back, and so on). Finally, the deck contains individual .jpeg files for use with Mural, Miro, PowerPoint, Keynote, Figma, Google Docs and Slides, and other programs where digital files can be inserted. The deck also includes access to 14 games, access to AI CoPilot, and our collection of online AI resources. $20.95. There is no shipping cost. All purchases are final. Illinois residents pay Illinois State Sales Tax.
AI Method Card 5 Deck Bundle - This package includes 5 physical decks of 67 cards, access to 14 strategic games that use the cards, the AI Method Card Deck Strategic Games Playbook, the Player’s Logbook, the AI CoPilot and Guide, and access to our online library of resources about AI -$135.00 + $21.00 standard shipping. Illinois residents pay Illinois State Sales Tax.
AI Method Card 10 Deck Bundle - This package includes 10 physical decks of 67 cards, access to 14 strategic games that use the cards, the AI Method Card Deck Strategic Games Playbook, the Player’s Logbook, the AI CoPilot and Guide, and access to our online library of resources about AI -$260.00 + $27.00 standard shipping. Illinois residents pay Illinois State Sales Tax.
AI Method Card Physical Deck and Digital Cards - A single printed deck and digital cards, access to 14 games, AI CoPilot, and Resources - $44.95 + $9.50 standard shipping. Illinois residents pay Illinois State Sales Tax.